Thursday, May 17, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Some of my favorite moments from the last few months told in fragment sentences, photos and maybe a video....
scotty ford bday last week
drinking serious sake at scott ford's surpirse bday party at happi song (photo skullset)

dim mak/ed banger party on 4/30
our dim mak/ed banger party at the echxplex was super insane. here is the crazy wild crowd that helped make the night a huge sucess for us (photo cobrasnake)

coachella april 27-30
last day at coachella festival i finally get in the pool at our rented house -- fully dressed of course. desert heat is beyond unnecessary. cc, mark and i swim while cory, jeremy and the UK i-D kids shoot cory in all the hottest fall couture. (photo cobra)

my favorite crew of peeps to hang w/ at coachella, tennesee, jamie, charlotte, alexa and james. four brits and a charlotte. lovely

the garage at our coachella house. jeremy, fran & lyndell sort through amazing clothing worth more than my apartment. (photo skullset)

geffen party/klaxons show
me, jjp and cory at the super sweet pre party to the klaxons show hosted by the ever lovely jack joseph puig at his ocean way studio. this night was a long one on april 21 (photos cobrasnake)

after the show with my second favorite klaxon, james.
deadly syndrome opened up the show. long long night this was. tita and i ended up at crash from deadly syndrome's house until daybreak. all i remember is a pill jar with skull and cross bones. deadly is our newest signing at the good ole dim mak. they are an amazing band. we're putting out the album sept 11th, it's called the ortolan. i feel a special bond with this band since i brougth them to the label. plus they are amazing dudes. here is me and jesse from deadly syndrome.

sidekick party
sweet leigh and the misshapes crew in town to dj the sidekick party april 13. (photos cobrasnake)

tita and i got matching anchor tattoos at the party. it was like an adult playground with funnel cakes, fake tattoos, corn dogs and waaay too much booze.

jeremy scott, tom myspace and cory kennedy hold eachother. (:

i can't remember what i did from sxsw to mid april. i know i went home to visit my family after sxsw. but it's all a big blur. there was lots of sad family stuff going on...
sxsw march 14-18
we held a three day party w/ the folks at nylon and diesel for sxsw. denise k (nylon) and i were at the helm of planning. it was some serious stressful preplanning. i lost my mind around 17 times. but in the end it was a huge success. we ended up hosting pretty much the only non-sanctioned event that didn't get shut down. we were smart, got all the proper permits, had the best bands, made friends w/ the fire marshall and police department in austin and had great local planners and an amazing security crew. dim mak also had a crazy sucessful official showcase where all our bands played... or at least lots of them (scanners, pony up, deadly syndrome, oh no oh my, har mar superstar, willowz)... (photos cobrasnake and my flickr)
the packed house at the dim mak showcase

our lovely scanners

our lovely deadly syndrome

mark and i wear blue

myself and a bunch of dudes including damon from badly drawn boy wear the same shoes. my feet have never hurt so much in my whole life... thus, the sneakers. i wear sneakers maybe four times a year.

sweet boys of the nyc's the hyms, they came and kept me company at the party and made sure the open bar was well attended.

me and denise. we're always on the verge of breaking into tears from the stress.

denise and i luckily made the times between 2am and daybreak ours. we used this time to party with the rest of the festival dwellers. we got to go to a few other parties and shows but most of our time was spent at hotel after parties and at our space at our own impromptu after parties.
party crew member danny m

party crew member chris b

party crew members ana c and denise k

party crew members steve a and kele o

one night ended with us back at the hotel for a special "shhhh party" where we fend off hotel security from kicking us out of our room. denise was such a trooper. after a third visit danny intervened and charmed the irritated hotel security dudes into not evicting us.
the next night we rode in van with hanson. that's all i can really say. that's the young one and denise sprawled across laps

that's the middle one, we shared the front seat

nylon guys party march 13
back in la the night before we left for sxsw i helped out the nylon kids with their nylon guys cover launch party in la. we had it at cinespace and had the like girls and pete wentz dj along with steve. (photos cobrasnake)
me and the charlotte and tennessee

z and sweet adam b

my new friend perez in a dim mak hoodie.

bad day
i bascially got some horrible news the week before sxsw and couldn't be with my family and was depressed beyond belief and leigh and geordon were in town to dj some party. they came to dim mak hq, picked me up and we went to lunch at newroom (a tradition with us when they visit). the nice lunch, company and hilarious trip to rite aid made me come out of a horrible depressed slump. i love these two kids.
geordon is addicted to sweet tart jelly beans, he bought four bags. they are only out during easter times, it bums him out.

leigh dances in the rite aid cosmetic section

don't eat the green or yellow

a lot of birthday times
pretty much all of february and march was spent celebrating different people's birthdays. i like bdays
beau fewell bbq bday party brought out the homies. here is the palo alto reunion w/ dan, beau, strange dude, strange dude, james and luke

paigey and i get serious

melissa takes lots of photos too

then we have cory's bday bbq at my house, it was a bit more tame because cory was in lockdown at the time. here is cory w/ her new angel wings, such an angel.

jack cc and cory in my kitchen

mama bear and baby bear

then we have cc's red & white bday party at shane's. everyone had to wear white if they were single and red if they were taken. made for a mischevious night. here's cc in red.

melissa and parker in red

shane is red, mekhi in grey?

sweet jesse in white

tita, me and tehra in whiiiiiiite

we took a crew to bryan ling's bday at mood. here is bryan and james

luke and steve

paige, luke, james, ahna

ok i'm tired... that's enough for now.
good times...
scotty ford bday last week
drinking serious sake at scott ford's surpirse bday party at happi song (photo skullset)

dim mak/ed banger party on 4/30
our dim mak/ed banger party at the echxplex was super insane. here is the crazy wild crowd that helped make the night a huge sucess for us (photo cobrasnake)

coachella april 27-30
last day at coachella festival i finally get in the pool at our rented house -- fully dressed of course. desert heat is beyond unnecessary. cc, mark and i swim while cory, jeremy and the UK i-D kids shoot cory in all the hottest fall couture. (photo cobra)

my favorite crew of peeps to hang w/ at coachella, tennesee, jamie, charlotte, alexa and james. four brits and a charlotte. lovely

the garage at our coachella house. jeremy, fran & lyndell sort through amazing clothing worth more than my apartment. (photo skullset)

geffen party/klaxons show
me, jjp and cory at the super sweet pre party to the klaxons show hosted by the ever lovely jack joseph puig at his ocean way studio. this night was a long one on april 21 (photos cobrasnake)

after the show with my second favorite klaxon, james.

deadly syndrome opened up the show. long long night this was. tita and i ended up at crash from deadly syndrome's house until daybreak. all i remember is a pill jar with skull and cross bones. deadly is our newest signing at the good ole dim mak. they are an amazing band. we're putting out the album sept 11th, it's called the ortolan. i feel a special bond with this band since i brougth them to the label. plus they are amazing dudes. here is me and jesse from deadly syndrome.

sidekick party
sweet leigh and the misshapes crew in town to dj the sidekick party april 13. (photos cobrasnake)

tita and i got matching anchor tattoos at the party. it was like an adult playground with funnel cakes, fake tattoos, corn dogs and waaay too much booze.

jeremy scott, tom myspace and cory kennedy hold eachother. (:

i can't remember what i did from sxsw to mid april. i know i went home to visit my family after sxsw. but it's all a big blur. there was lots of sad family stuff going on...
sxsw march 14-18
we held a three day party w/ the folks at nylon and diesel for sxsw. denise k (nylon) and i were at the helm of planning. it was some serious stressful preplanning. i lost my mind around 17 times. but in the end it was a huge success. we ended up hosting pretty much the only non-sanctioned event that didn't get shut down. we were smart, got all the proper permits, had the best bands, made friends w/ the fire marshall and police department in austin and had great local planners and an amazing security crew. dim mak also had a crazy sucessful official showcase where all our bands played... or at least lots of them (scanners, pony up, deadly syndrome, oh no oh my, har mar superstar, willowz)... (photos cobrasnake and my flickr)
the packed house at the dim mak showcase

our lovely scanners

our lovely deadly syndrome

mark and i wear blue

myself and a bunch of dudes including damon from badly drawn boy wear the same shoes. my feet have never hurt so much in my whole life... thus, the sneakers. i wear sneakers maybe four times a year.

sweet boys of the nyc's the hyms, they came and kept me company at the party and made sure the open bar was well attended.

me and denise. we're always on the verge of breaking into tears from the stress.

denise and i luckily made the times between 2am and daybreak ours. we used this time to party with the rest of the festival dwellers. we got to go to a few other parties and shows but most of our time was spent at hotel after parties and at our space at our own impromptu after parties.
party crew member danny m

party crew member chris b

party crew members ana c and denise k

party crew members steve a and kele o

one night ended with us back at the hotel for a special "shhhh party" where we fend off hotel security from kicking us out of our room. denise was such a trooper. after a third visit danny intervened and charmed the irritated hotel security dudes into not evicting us.
the next night we rode in van with hanson. that's all i can really say. that's the young one and denise sprawled across laps

that's the middle one, we shared the front seat

nylon guys party march 13
back in la the night before we left for sxsw i helped out the nylon kids with their nylon guys cover launch party in la. we had it at cinespace and had the like girls and pete wentz dj along with steve. (photos cobrasnake)
me and the charlotte and tennessee
z and sweet adam b
my new friend perez in a dim mak hoodie.
bad day
i bascially got some horrible news the week before sxsw and couldn't be with my family and was depressed beyond belief and leigh and geordon were in town to dj some party. they came to dim mak hq, picked me up and we went to lunch at newroom (a tradition with us when they visit). the nice lunch, company and hilarious trip to rite aid made me come out of a horrible depressed slump. i love these two kids.
geordon is addicted to sweet tart jelly beans, he bought four bags. they are only out during easter times, it bums him out.

leigh dances in the rite aid cosmetic section

don't eat the green or yellow

a lot of birthday times
pretty much all of february and march was spent celebrating different people's birthdays. i like bdays
beau fewell bbq bday party brought out the homies. here is the palo alto reunion w/ dan, beau, strange dude, strange dude, james and luke

paigey and i get serious

melissa takes lots of photos too

then we have cory's bday bbq at my house, it was a bit more tame because cory was in lockdown at the time. here is cory w/ her new angel wings, such an angel.

jack cc and cory in my kitchen

mama bear and baby bear

then we have cc's red & white bday party at shane's. everyone had to wear white if they were single and red if they were taken. made for a mischevious night. here's cc in red.

melissa and parker in red

shane is red, mekhi in grey?

sweet jesse in white

tita, me and tehra in whiiiiiiite

we took a crew to bryan ling's bday at mood. here is bryan and james

luke and steve

paige, luke, james, ahna

ok i'm tired... that's enough for now.
good times...
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