first off before i get to the fun stuff. today in the news there was a story coming out of idaho that got my blood boiling... so much so that i have taken up my college years angst and have decided to join up with some friends and take some action.
all you people out there, boycott idaho potatoes until the stupid jerkface running the state of idaho reinstates the ban on killing grey wolves. you can read more about it here. it's pretty disgusting what these freaks are doing over there in idaho. this quote in particular from governor "Butch" Otter makes me want to punch him in the balls...
"I'm prepared to bid for that first ticket to shoot a wolf myself," Otter said earlier Thursday during a rally of about 300 hunters. Otter complained that wolves are rapidly killing elk and other animals essential to Idaho's multimillion-dollar hunting industry. The hunters, many wearing camouflage clothing and blaze-orange caps, applauded wildly during his comments.
so my pals and i are starting a myspace page here! be our friend. we're going to show those backward, wolf killing dickheads we don't stand for it. for now my friends, no idaho potatoes. save wolf lives, boycott yer fries.
ok on to the fun stuff....

pics from the night.
sweet boy chris holmes was at the party too, here w/ cory
daughter cory and momma ana
jack skullset and his 'perfect hoodie'
cory bummed out at how tall the elfman was
we got super swanky gift bags courtesy of w mag, nars, stuart weitzman and bedhead.... sweet.
after the party cory, jack and myself went to the 101 cafe for some grub.
sweet cassie came and joined us...
flossing is important
then cassie and i skipped away from the kids and headed to social
we both love myles, check out his band bloodcat love. rocknroll
after social cassie and i headed to silverlake and to the cha cha for camille's bday party.
i was pooped from the greens i consumed. makes me sleepy and not very interesting company. oldest friend in la, graham, came by and took me home.
right now, i'm heading out to see deadly syndrome play down the street from mi casa at silverlake lounge and after that it's the famous jack burnside's bday party at he and sweet rachel's home. silverlake nights.
good times.