i have been waiting since thursday to go see the banksy exhibit downtown. sans car, it's tough to get to that part of town. so i had to wait until kristi could go and yesterday was the day. we both slept in super late. went to pick up our free asics tiger shoes from celeste (thanks celeste) then headed downtown. we pulled up to where the exhibit was being held and there was an enormous line down the street and around the block. we parked the car and then parked ourselves in line. about 45 minutes and ten million hot dudes later we get inside. this exhibit has brought out all the like-minded folks of los angeles to convene upon the scary blocks of downtown east. the exhibit was magical. anytime you incorporate a live elephant into your show, you're a winner in my book. beyond having to wade through endless video cameras from all major news stations licking at their chompers to cover the exhibit that ironically criticizes america's love of sensationalism, i was touched. i guess even having those news stations there added to the whole experience in general. i think banksy has just about the best sense of humor of any artist today. dark humor, but good humor. banksy is not afraid to make fun of, challenge and exploit our way of thinking... i think i'm in love with banksy. even seeing a white haired dennis hopper hopping around totally talking to himself made it all the more the experience. what a wonderful wacko he is. what a wonderful wacko banksy is too. photos below of some of my favorite pieces.

after the banksy exhibit myself and nate and kristi and chris meet up at yummy french restaurant taix for some dinner. it's nice to hang out with chris again. he's been m.i.a. for a little while now. he's also on the wagon and totally still the same guy. i know it's ridiculous to think that sober people are weird, but yeah, i think it. i am an inherent hedonist. always have been, most likely always will be. i have never understood when people don't do what they want, eat what they want, drink what they want... i understand that the borderline exists though, the disease part, the violent part but i've never seen it in chris so is it bad for me to want him to get wasted? i know that's horrible ana, be kind... i guess, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen/bar... ok, back to dinner, over fine dining we talk of cowboys football, pinkberry yogurt and aggressive masturbation. i got poured the most enormous johnnie walker on the rocks ever (only $6) and had a sweet time hanging with good pals.

after dinner i hop across the street to meet up with pete at the echo. his band die princess die are playing at awesome club part time punks. ptp is another one of my favorite nights in la. the djs are incredible and they get some really impressive bands to stop by. some of the best music ever to be heard in an la club is played here. pete feeds me a bud e (budwieser energy drink) in the parking lot. for as long as i've been friends with the die princess die fellas, i have always known them to pre-party in their cars before a show. always. this is where they get their crazy on. if you've been to a die princess die show you'll understand. i run into cc sheffield totally nerded out. i didn't even recognize her. bottlecap glasses, oversized hoodie and knit gaucho pants. she looked like such a nerd, so cute that i wanted to pinch her cheeks. also ran into sweet baby kelley brooks. i love this girl. she always brings the positive vibes. met nandi's new boyfriend. nandi was looking hot in her new haircut and smoking red hair. miss mary and her sister were also in attendance. mary is one of the sweetest and most gorgeous girls in la. we talk about hair and boys and life. lovely. myself, david heath, mariko, kelley, mary, iron duke, danny, jamie, cassie, scott, yenni, selena and more all rocked out to die princess die. before the first song had even ended the dpd dudes had already racked up a $100 in damages. dpd is the band most feared by every soundman in la. a few flying microphones, guitars and beers later the band wraps up their explosive set and returns to the party. serious dance party ensues, i get a little rowdy with bryce and pete on the dance floor. i think we may have knocked over a few peeps (sorry all). chloe sevigny was there dancing like a hot freak. she was kind of dance-hitting-on pete. pete was clueless. finally when he realized who she was, chloe was over it. way to go pete. thanks for the ride home mariko, your wise words make life nice.
good times.