my friend dan has strolled into town. he's on tour withe ben kweller. they just played on conan o'brian last night. thus the tix sales went up for the avalon show later. i make plans to meet up with dan after his soundcheck. dan has about 40 best friends so i wanted to get some face time with him before his over-sized entourage shows up. i meet dan and we go to his bus. i get introduced to the band, all sweet fellas. it was all in all a short and awkward visit. temporary situations are tough. i think dan and i are better friends when he's not here.
alexi comes to my office to meet me. we make plans to have dinner with cc and scott at the chateau prior to the nylon party next door. alexi and i pull into the bar marmont parking lot. scott covers the $18 valet fee for me and we proceed to try and get a table at the "no entry without reservation" restaurant at the chateau marmont. alexi sweet talks the guard and they give us a table. we are seated next to brent bolthouse dining with incubus. haha. it was a very nice dinner with good friends. scott, like i've said before is my favorite human on earth. too nice. too cute. too good. alexi and cc are also won over. we talk about cc's burgeoning acting and music career and how she's been confused for the mom from the oc in the tabloids this week. cc's boyfriend is actor shane west and i guess she kind of looks like that actress but 20 years younger, the gossip dudes got them confused. funny. she's amused. so are we. scott gives us all advice on everything. alexi and i share a salad and some lasagna, cc orders the artichoke (smaller than magnolia's), scott gets the caesar with shrimp. yummy food.
we all finish up dinner quickly and head over the nylon party next door at bar marmont. it's a few minutes past 9 and there is already a long line. we rush past and get in. we were given a small guestlist to invite some cool kids to the party, my phone had been ringing all day. i think as soon as everyone realized it was the only thing really going on this friday the open bar and kirstin dunst and jason shwartzman hosting became very appealing. i turn my phone off. the bar is at capacity and there is nothing i can do to squeeze anyone else in or add to the list. i always feel bad when this happens but i have no control. scott leaves us to go to ben kweller (he's one of dan's 40 best friends too). lauren and ryan, melissa and parker, alexis, cory, misshapes, graham, chris, cortni, marvin, jacqlynn and chris nylon, mark are all there. there lots of big faces too, in attendance i believe are a pete wentz, an olsen sister, sofia copola with some of the actresses from virgin suicides, stavvros, nick stahl, dave navarro, benji madden and his adorable new gf sophie monk, ben lee, jared leto, amber tamblyn and more i'm sure. it ends up being a successful issue launch. it's for the la issue, the one with our photo. as the night starts to wind down some more friends show up then my new crush deck and the phoenix dudes. deck and i sit and talk for a while. he's pretty fucking awesome. i'm excited to hang out with him again when they come back in january. the party winds down and we all caravan east.
after the debacle that was les deux we all head over to vine bar for pash. it was promoter david heath's last night at pash so everyone was out to give him a good send off. i don't know why i ever think of going anywhere else on a friday. pash is really a sweet night. always all the best of the faces i see in la. all of them here. all of them dancing. i say goodbye to the misshapes kids. i have loved hanging out with them so much this week. i'm going to miss them. now it's time for the after party, but gotta hit taco bell for some eats first. a 15 minute drive-thru wait and 500 sauce packets later we are on our way to the after party.
once again the after party is at adam's house. this time there are a lot more people there. we pour our stiff drinks and park ourselves above the pool outside. more and more people show up... including nylon party hosts jason schwartzman and kirstin dunst. kirstin and james franco totally getting cute on the couch. all kinds of pizza shows up. cory gets lectured to by adam. alexi and i chat up randoms. james valentine (also of maroon 5) is one of my new favorite people in la, super sweet dude. my good friends pete and bryce show up. pete makes me pee in front of him in the bathroom. weird. we drink and drink and leave late-late. i wave to pee wee and head down the hill.
cory, alexi and i head to her house. cory was going to stay there. but soon as i realize how late it is and how not sober i am, i figure i should stay too. we dodge the la wild kingdom of a skunk, two coyotes and some wild/domestic cats and jet into alexi's house. alexi turns on the tv and i pass out. woke up to cory feet in my face.
good times.
bryce and chris holmes

cory and luke

our nylon pic

deck phoenix and james maroon 5

deck and me (swoon)

don't leave deck

marvin scott jarrett and leigh misshapes

alexi & cc

(photos from