sunday 9/24
stayed home (finally)
monday 9/25
stayed home (finally again)
tuesday 9/26
well into my third night in a row of 'taking it easy' i am kidnapped by pete, he wants to go to lil joy. he was on his way already with ace and neuhues when he got irritated by the too loud stereo, so much so that he jumped out of the moving car as they approached parkman (my street). he drinks a schlitz at my house, i get dressed and we head out. without cars we walk to the liquor store. pickd up two tall boys of miller lite and start walking east. about half way there pete rings iron duke, let's him know of our dilemma and within minutes the duke pulls up in his broken egg. we climb in, all the while sipping on our paper bag wrapped tall boyz. the motley three of us toss our tall boys at a phone booth and stride on into the sweet lil joy. once inside the sparsse crowd we meet up with jack and rachel, ace and andy neuhues, bryce, and few others. special guest djs tonight are zooey dechanel, devendra barnhart and meg white. between the three of them we were entertained by some sweet tunes and one of the first real dance parties i've seen at lil joy... well the first in a long time at least. it was splendid.
wednesday 9/28
memories from this night are hazy. all i know is that alexi, cory and i have made plans to go to the stuff style awards. my main memories from this evening were chris holmes saving the day and getting me an artist pass; being denied the ray ban glasses because i arrived with a celebrity-less mob in the gifting suite; knocking a whole tray of empty glasses off a fellow jayhawk waiter's grip; finding out that after all these years julian casablancas still hates me; eating a mcdonalds hamburger over a slice of pizza hut pizza; hugging lloyd (entourage) and quickly realizing i was cradling the lil asian man's face in my bosom for a few uncomfortable seconds too long; getting some very real sexual innuendo from eagles of death metal singer from stage; holding cory's hand a lot and still confused whether i was guiding her or she was guiding me; seeing chris pastras so out of his element i had to smile; accidentally making way too many eye contacts with a very aggressive looking jeremy piven; dancing on the dancefloor sandwiched in by a bevy of waifish ladies - i was the hamburger, they were the lettuce; holding alexi's hand a lot and still confused whether i was guiding her or she was guiding me; having three drinks in my hand at once (the open bar was never going to end but i still felt the need to be resourceful); escaping the arclight rooftop at the first sight of multiple uniformed cops; wanting badly to slide my hand across the wall of cop butts but resisting; piling into rickett's car and heading to teddy's; thinking while inside teddy's 'how did i get here'; hanging with peter katsis at his lair-like booth stocked with multiple bottles of grey goose and multiple siliconed grey goose consumers; falling on the ground when liz's friend gave me a powerful hug; arguing or constructive conversing with franki (still not sure which it was); knocking said franki's drink onto the ground and buying him a new one; once again making too much eye contact with jeremy piven; realizing cory is missing; realizing cory has gotten a ride home (she's got high school in the morn); hailing a taxi with alexi and laughing how both words end with an 'i'; taking said taxi to 101 cafe; eating something that i still have no memory of; seeing previously mentioned eagles of death metal singer and possibly also nuzzling his head in my bosom for a few seconds too long; leaving 101 cafe and realizing we didn't drive; creating a self-imposed fear of the open street and full fledged sprinting, hand in hand with alexi, from the 101 café to her house past cahuenga in the hollywood hills; waking up on alexi's couch completely confused.
alexi and i sippin' on some

cory stage humping

piven totally avoiding my stares

the brady's

cory and her mom

photos from
thursday 9/28
wearing the same clothes to work all i want to do is go to sleep. luckily, sitting on my desk at the office is my bag of new morphine generation gear i got when i visited their new offices the day before. with my unplanned outfit and fierce headache i still manage to have a stupid productive day, one of the more productive days i've had in a while... hangover in tow for the whole day. as the day winds down all i want to do is go to bed. ltaf calls, she's going for dinner at cliff's edge, i accompany her. we order too much food. i get dropped at home and am right again picked up by scott to accompany him to the echo. i am one shower short for the day but happy to be hanging with my favorite human scott ford. we catch the bands at the 'hell ya' night put on by heather peggs. jack is there. i love jack too. i can't stop hugging him or playing with his hair. he's just too adorable. jack orders a long island iced tea and upon the last sip makes the unwise decision walk home. we go to lil joy to end the night. a few drinks later we go home.
friday 9/29
another productive day gone by i contemplate taking the night off again. but i don't. nate and luke gilford come by the office and we head to laurel canyon to go to hugh from flaunt's house for a party. over wine and cheeses i meet some interesting folks. sal, hugh's roomie, had just premiered his new short. i missed the screening at afi but from the chatter i picked up at this the after party, the film sounds like it's pretty fucking amazing. looking forward to seeing it. it was nice at hugh's. he's got just about the most amazing view i've yet seen in la. the house is nestled atop laurel canyon. i felt like i was at the world's edge. supposedly you can see to lax on a clear night. it nice to get away from the sometimes vapid monotony of hollywood and the dingyness of the east side. nate is tired, we leave around midnight. nate drops me off at lil joy. i meet up with scott and jack and jonathan and pauline. it's hip hop night at lil joy. too much for my ears. i go home not drunk and get to wake up early today.
good times